These Are The Days Of My Lives in Current Events

  • April 13, 2024, 2:27 p.m.
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Yesterday, I surrendered to the part of my psyche that makes me act compulsively. I did not want to exert any of my mental energy. Call it a day off. It’s not a heinous pattern of behaviors, mind you. I haven’t failed myself miserably and succumbed to a dependency on alcohol and drugs. I say that with as much judgment as I can. There I was, fully conscious that I was just chasing dopamine with my routines. It was a little spooky. It’s like I’m being mind-controlled. I was sleepwalking.

Today I have to make myself uncomfortable and study. I’m avoiding my avoidance routines today. Kidding! I got them out of the way. This entry is the last bit. I have two tests next week. Both of which I am not prepared for. Tonight I have plans to see a show with Leanne her work friend. We are seeing Carmen, the opera.

My ND (Naturopathic Doctor) called me the other day. This was after I reported the results of the HCL challenge. I was to take hydrochloric acid supplements until I experienced discomfort. 5 was the most I was allowed to build up to which I did. I experienced nothing. I was supposed to be experiencing acid reflux or heartburn. Something to that effect. This means that my stomach acid is severely low. I am not digesting my food correctly. High-stress levels are the culprit. This is where my protein deficiency stems from. My supervisor gave us a number that we could call for all kinds of free support through the company. I think I will call it for a.) financial advice b.) investment advice and c.) stress management advice. I have nothing to lose.

My ND will come up with an action plan for my HCL issue, which is one of two problems that I incurred. First I am to take the HCL supplements with my meals to help me digest it. A bandaid on the problem, so to speak. He is buying time because my diet is really hard for him to work with. He pressured me to quit veganism again. I almost hung up. The more he puts pressure on me, the more I get motivated to prove that I can get this under control. I just haven’t restructured my meals yet. I’m busy and I’m lazy. Today I made an omelet out of mung beans. That’s what the Just Egg product is made of. It hit the spot. This was the only thing I missed in my life since I went vegan. Omelets were my favorite. The second issue is my malabsorption issue. GMOs and wheat are the suspected culprits. We have me on a modified diet to try and discover what sensitivity is damaging my gut.

I have to correct myself whenever I feel frustrated and angry with my ND. The anger is misdirected. It’s not his fault that the foods I have been eating are not genetically compatible with my body. Canada and Mexico have free trade with America, or should I say the United States as those are two separate things. I digress, we just have a lot of garbage in our aisles. That’s the moral of the story. Our grocery stores only have one aisle with natural foods and even most of those are toxic. It’s like I need a homestead so that I can grow all of my own food. Of course, that is far-right extremism. The government is god after all.

I saw a TikTok where a stupid idiot, a stupid pathetic idiot I should say, was claiming that if you don’t want to be fat you are fatphobic. I suppose that I’ve got a fetish for health then. A kink for being at low risk for preventable diseases. A monster for giving a shit about my health status. A radicalized far-right extremist for taking those matters into my own hands. People like him are struggling to relate to reality. Obesity is not a body type it is a disease. 700k people in America die from heart disease each year. 600k from cancers and 300k from obesity directly. These are preventable, treatable, and reversible.

If we switched the conversation to the strength of the human body nobody would be afraid of disease again. We are not born pharmaceutical deficient, contrary to what our indoctrination says. Mainstream healthcare is a medical religion that is radicalized. We cannibalize the cells and tissues of infants via a syringe to ward off virus possession. They call it partial life abortion which is effective soft language. It doesn’t generate the image of these mangled babies laying on a slab, an altar if you will, being left to die for the $cience gods if they don’t start cutting into it right away for big pharma. No anesthetics, no anesthesia, nothing injected into it to stop its heart. These are just clumps of cells after all. The organs need to be fresh and uncontaminated. This cannibalistic medical cult is trying to force experimental medical protocols on people under the guise of public safety. Immunocompromised people failed themselves. Germ theory is not proven. They’ve never isolated a virus or replicated disease with it. It’s baseless. Disease is created, not caught. Terrain theory has been proven. They can replicate disease with toxic waste and nutritional deficiencies. The only victims are the children. The W.H.O. is the new one-world religion we are being forced into. Religion means to bind together and we will be bound together by medical mandates again. Con-19 was their trial run. Our nations have signed the W.H.O. treaty which will take over our bodily autonomy in the next scamdemic. Mainstreamers call us conspiracy theorists but we have been 10 for 10 with this one. Those who understand terrain theory stand a better chance of surviving the onslaught of toxic waste they will inject into our bodies. We know how to flush them out and repair the damage. Gas chambers were safe and effective showers once. Those are so 1945, inoculation is so in right now. Not Gen Z with diseases that 50-year-olds are supposed to have. Gen Z is the most diseased generation, it should make one wonder how much we accept as old age that isn’t old age.

Speaking of world health, look around at everyone’s hair. It’s thinning for so many people. Women and/or young people are losing their hair. 5G is microwaving us. Vaccine status or not. It’s hard to unsee it once you notice.

Ishpreet, at work, said that I looked like I lost weight. He is right, I do. If anyone would notice it would be him. He’s sweet on me. He is not so subtle when he checks me out. My scale says that I haven’t lost much, just 5 lbs. I no longer eat wheat so I no longer bloat. Go figure. I can tell that I lost weight because my abs are showing. I look shredded but I don’t have big muscles to show for it. Bloating was the #1 thing that frustrated me the most. My alopecia ranks second. This is from my protein deficiency. My ND has me taking the fermented protein powder twice a day for now. I know how to get protein in my diet, it’s just challenging right now while he has me on this modified diet. No nuts & seeds until further notice. This too shall pass. I have to remind myself. I can’t say that I am noticing a difference. The gut needs 3 weeks to heal itself and I’ve been making a lot of mistakes on this diet. One mistake in my fragile little world is a lot of mistakes though. I forget to look at some ingredient lists because I’ve vetted everything in my apartment already. Everything is plant-based but now I have to watch out for canola oil, & soy, etc. Everything has canola oil. It’s harder to avoid than milk. We can’t feed the milk in the stores back to the cows because they will die. I’m sure it is fit for human consumption. I’m not a heifer, I don’t need milk. The body doesn’t know the difference between a little and a lot, my ND explained. This moderation advice MDs usually have isn’t good advice. Damage is damage.

I need to start doing the household chores when my roommate is not home. I can’t enjoy it the way that I usually do because I can see how little she does around here. She is still getting the full Air B&B experience living with me. She did step up a bit after our big talk last year but she still has the psychology of a child and does the childish things. Let alone say the childish things that make it hard to interact with her, sometimes. Her leave it for mommy and daddy setting makes my eye twitch. She leaves her pile of dishes beside the sink for Mommy to load in the dishwasher for her. She cannot pour anything into a glass or mug without spilling it on the counter. I know this because I have to wipe it up. She fills it to the brim and starts sipping it while walking. I know this because it’s all over the floor for me to wipe up. It’s the little things like that which grinds my gears. I don’t want bugs or rodents in the apartment so I run a tight ship. After our talk, she takes the trash and recycling out, sometimes. Only if I place it by the door for her to take a hint. She takes better care of her room and her bathroom. I still have trauma from discovering her laundry hamper overflowing with used Tupperware and containers. Just fermenting and molding. She has two autoimmune diseases, her liver is shot, and it’s spilling over. I wouldn’t mess with mold if I were her. She’s on her way to cancer. She didn’t have either of her autoimmune diseases until after her Moderna shots. Those experimental gene therapies, that have never worked, have been the leading cause of coincidence. It’s an experimental medical protocol that is so effective at preventing disease that you still catch and spread the very disease they promised it would protect you from. So effective that you require new shots every few months. I digress, she did do a few grocery runs since my car was written off. I just get it delivered now.

Today, we have the nicest weather of the year, thus far. I’m going to go for a run after my groceries arrive today. Do a little leg workout before I hit the books. I want to enjoy the nice weather. It’s 20c today which is t-shirt weather for a lot of people. Not for me. I need 30c. I can wait until I can take my blanket to the park and just lay in the sun and tan. Just me, the cobra chickens (Canadian geese), and my audiobooks. I just want to feel some heat. I want to make our balcony all nice as well. If fear that if I overdo it, people will climb up and steal from me. It’s not that hard to access my balcony. I wish that we lived on the third floor. Next weekend I am blowing a lot of money on plants for our balcony.

My roommate wants to move into a house that her cousin is going to rent out to her. After they finish renovating it. I don’t want to take care of a house. She is not ready for that responsibility. We shall see what happens with that. I can’t even think that far ahead. This year is a heavy one for me. Change-wise.

Time to move on with my day. My groceries arrived anyway. They’re very accurate and punctual. I have to say.

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