On A Right Track in Current Events

  • May 1, 2024, 5:05 p.m.
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I had an appointment with my ND (Naturopathic Doctor) today. Things seem to be going in the right direction. We discussed my anxiety and depression at length this time around. My anxiety was sky-high the last time we spoke. This time around it is my depression. My depression hit me hard today at work. This made my day long and full of terrors. His educated opinion about my depression is that I am deficient in something that I can’t recall at this second. It is something that makes the hormones dopamine, serotonin, etc. He told me that I could get it from turkey. He didn’t pressure me to quit veganism this time. I told him how turkey used to knock me out. Like, me passing out under the table or halfway onto a couch kind of knock out. A complete and irrevocable K.O. This was evidence that I am indeed deficient in that. We will see how my hormones start regulating with the HCL therapy first. He has something on standby for me should I feel I need it.

We switched the brand of HCL (hydrochloric acid) that I am taking. This one does not contain peppermint. I am at four capsules with this one and I still do not experience anything. Tonight it will be 5 which is the maximum. He wants me to take 5 with every meal. I will reduce the quantity once I start experiencing discomfort. It will eventually drop to zero. We are trying to get my body to start making the right acid levels again. Thus it is no longer an HCL challenge but an HCL therapy.

He asked about my gym sessions. He’s glad that he did because he didn’t have that information. I am training way too hard. He wants me to cut it in half. He promises that I will gain 20lbs in no time his way. We shall see about that. I lost 6 lbs since I started his modified diet. I don’t even miss wheat. This is because I am enjoying the lack of bloating way too much. However, I am bloated currently. I was only taking the HCL once a day for the last few days. My body is not digesting properly, this is what it all means. This is why I am protein deficient. Long-term stress is the cause. We suspect that this will take a lot longer than normal to achieve because of how high my stress is. We are trying to make my body better adaptive to the stress. This doesn’t mean that everything will magically get better. Unfortunately. He recommended that I train my legs so that it will increase my testosterone.

I am allowed to eat nuts again. In moderation. Almonds, cashews, and walnuts. I don’t do peanuts because they contain mold. He was pleased that I already understood that. He wants me to monitor any changes in digestion and moods with that one. Also with nightshade foods. Tomatoes… I wasn’t honest with him that I didn’t quit tomatoes. Now that I know that it could be supporting this systemic issue, I will take a break and see how it goes. I told him that if my face isn’t melting off when I eat, I’m not even eating. My food is always spicy. Peppers are the absolute last thing we will add to my diet. Cayenne pepper, of course. It’s a superfood. Like, top 3. He just doesn’t want these foods to complicate the picture.

I got him to explain why my AB blood type plays such a role in his action plan here. It’s more of a rare blood type because it is a newer one. It’s less than 1000 years old. Only 3% of the population has it. There is an A-type diet and a B-type diet. This can be challenging. If my body is more calibrated for blood type A, then my vegan diet will be more doable for me. I’ll research this eventually. It sounds neat. Blood type diets.

My mind was in a dark place this morning. I was mindful of what my thoughts were. I’ll discuss them with my therapist next week. I think things in that department are going to feel worse before they feel better. There is a lot of unprocessed, unrealized, things to work through. Currently, I am just desperate for it all to stop. I want one whole day in bed. Well, one whole day on a tropical beach would be better. I don’t want to be around people. I don’t want to think about anything. I just want to be.

Anyway, I need to move on with my evening now.

Zampano May 02, 2024

Since you work out so much it would make sense you should increase protein rich foods. I've stocked up on some plant-based protein powder. However, I recommend watching the Fork Over Knives documentary where they claim that the incessant belief in the magical powers of protein was economic based. They claim that high-protein diets are also bad and that plant-based protein intake is actually the best balance. I've rode my bicycle every for 8 years and generally live on brown or wild rice, legumes or assortment of beans. Recently, since Covid hit me a year and a half ago, my metabolism has slowed down and I am looking to adjust my diet because I've picked up some unwanted weight but that is due to stress, studying and working too much without as much time for the gym or hot yoga (which I am currently remedying). However, on rare occasions I consider eating meat again one day and it will be fish, or sushi (I occasionally crave anchovies). I've heard of vegetarians from the 60s eating fresh tuna later on in their lives as they became older.

I believe there is a vegan serotonin booster called 5-HTP I used to take before bed and I remember it working. I may need to try it again.

But, my cholesterol levels are fantastic for my age.

Depression and anxiety can stem from outside influences. Once I began a job with a retirement and started saving in a Roth IRA it relieved a lot of stress, anxiety and so on. Financial security can cure a lot inner turmoil.

TL Zampano ⋅ May 02, 2024

That's it! 5-HTP is what he mentioned. He just wants me to hold off for now if possible.

I've seen Forks over Knives. I think I might have seen every vegan documentary that came out since I went plant-based. I'm not ready to call it quits but if I were, I would only do eggs.

You're still young, you'll bounce back into shape in no time. I don't remember when your birthday is, just that you're a Taurus (with Gemini in you I suspect), so happy birthday! If I'm not too late. I'm probably too early.

KissOfLife! May 05, 2024

I want a whole day on a tropical beach soon too.
It sounds like a lot has been happening, and great you seem to have a great ND who understands you.
I totally believe working out legs increases testosterone.
I didn't know peanuts contained mold either. Lucky I don't eat them much. Coffee too? Like all coffee?

TL KissOfLife! ⋅ May 05, 2024

We can't say that all coffee and peanut butter contain mold, however, every jar tests positive for it. You can get mold-free coffee. That's what we have to get for coffee enemas. This shouldn't be a huge concern for anyone unless they have something like cancer.

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